Mind Map The obvious distinction one notices is between real space and exchange but also virtual space and exchange. Real space is by definition existing. They can be cities, concepts such as the different social classes or the dissociation between north and south. Conversely, virtual space does not strictly speaking exist. They refer to everything that has to do with the internet such as social networks or forums. Middle class: Middle class is a concept of social class based primarily on standard of living. The usual criteria for defining it are standard of living, i.e. income and wealth. This group is "above" the poor classes and "below" the wealthy classes. The middle class is considered to be itself divided into several categories : the lower middle class and the upper middle class. Borders: Plusieurs définition sont possible pour caractériser ce phénomène il peut s’agir d'une limite séparant deux zones, deux régions caractérisées par des phénomè...