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Free Post Amish (2)

Guideline to be the perfect Amish   1° First of all you need to read the high German Martin Luther's version of the Bible (1534). The Amish attempts to create their Bible but the Pennsylvania-Deutch language is more spoken than written. 2° Their language is mix of old German and English, they call it Pennsylvania-Deutsch. This language is understood by noone but them.  3° One of the big aspect of their religion is the fact that they don't use electricity or telephones. You need to wear plain clothing, have uncunt hair and wear bonnets and hats. Their way of live is a protection for what they concidered sins. They disapprouve outsiders christian livestyle who is mistreating their society.  4° They refused modernity and so, they move by horseback and buggy or cycle.   5° Amish children finish school at the eight grade ; they are supposed to have learned all the necessary knoledge. 6° If you are a women you're not allowed to pray and you don't have any offic


The myth of the good savage 1. A noble savage is a literary stock character who embodies the concept of the indigene, outsider, wild human, an "other" who has not been "corrupted" by civilization , and therefore symbolizes humanity's innate goodness. Besides appearing in many works of fiction and philosophy, the stereotype was also heavily employed in early anthropological works. In English, the phrase first appeared in the 17th century in John Dryden's heroic play   The Conquest of Granada  (1672), wherein it was used in reference to newly created man. "Savage" at that time could mean "wild beast" as well as "wild man" .The phrase later became identified with the idealized picture of "nature's gentleman", which was an aspect of 18th-century sentimentalism. The noble savage achieved prominence as an oxymoronic rhetorical device after 1851, when used sarcastically as the title for a satirical essay by Engli