Free Post Amish (2)

Guideline to be the perfect Amish


1° First of all you need to read the high German Martin Luther's version of the Bible (1534). The Amish attempts to create their Bible but the Pennsylvania-Deutch language is more spoken than written.

2° Their language is mix of old German and English, they call it Pennsylvania-Deutsch. This language is understood by noone but them. 

3° One of the big aspect of their religion is the fact that they don't use electricity or telephones. You need to wear plain clothing, have uncunt hair and wear bonnets and hats. Their way of live is a protection for what they concidered sins. They disapprouve outsiders christian livestyle who is mistreating their society. 

4° They refused modernity and so, they move by horseback and buggy or cycle.  

5° Amish children finish school at the eight grade ; they are supposed to have learned all the necessary knoledge.

6° If you are a women you're not allowed to pray and you don't have any official role in the church. After being married you're not autorized to work and you just take care of children and houses. 

7° A good Amish is a workes from the dawn to the end of the day. This hard working is for them a way to follow rules of the holy Bible.

8° Amish have supertitions like any others culture, one of them is that if a pregnant women raise her arms over her head to hang clothes on the line or wash windows in the last trimester of pregnancy her baby will turn breech.

9° Amish are not allowed to take pictures. 

Bible verse Exodus 20:4: “Thou shalt not make unto thee any graven image, or any likeness of anything that is in heaven above, or that is in the earth beneath, or that is in the water under the earth.

10° All this first comandments are true but of course the images I took to show Amish are humoristic and don't represente their real life.

The Amish lives in a world witch seems to have stop fifties. Many people goes to sees the comunities as if there were going to a zoo. This could be compared to the noble savage sawn in the european zoo in the beggining of the last century.


  1. OK Angèle BUT what is the connection with the key issue discussed in class in relation to the myth of the noble savage?.


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