Elephant movie


1-The scene that particularly stuck me was one of the scenes in the corridor. One of the shooters shoots the person considered a guardian angel. It's frightening to see that human life has absolutely no value to him and that he kills anyone. He feels no remorse or regrets; on the contrary, he even seems proud of himself.

2-What impressed me the most was the layout of the film. The scenes are mixed between past and future. The film gives the impression of having no chronology. The staging of the three points of view for the same scene is also intriguing. We understand at the end that each point of view has its importance and is key to the film.

3- What was most upsetting was the story of the shooters. The fact that harassed people come to such extremes. While the producer doesn't portray it as revenge on their part, it could happen. Several times in the film we see that they have nothing left to lose and are aware of who will die. They have had no experience, but still decide to sacrifice everything. 

4-What upset me the most was the issue of weapons in the film. The film shows how easy it is to buy 
guns in the United States. The shooters are minors who have no experience with weapons and, above all, have no reason to have them. Yet they have acquired them with disconcerting ease. They have killed almost everyone who had no means of escape

5-The most shocking thing is the story itself. This film is taken from the actual fact that such a massacre really happened. Two young people bought guns in the simplest way and then went out and killed their whole school. 

6-The film provides no clear information about the two shooters. During the whole film we just see two normal high school students who have a bit of a rough life. The real development happens when he starts killing

7-The film supports the fact that these boys have nothing to lose. They know full well they will die at the scene of the crime and accept it. It also assumes that they have a penchant for Nazism or at least violence. One of them seems to be particularly obsessed with it. He's seen playing a shooting game and enjoying killing his victims.

9-The artistic touch is very present in the film every detail counts. Some scenes in the film are also interspersed with music.Each scene is associated with the name of each character. Also the film starts and ends with the same cloud image.

10-In conclusion we see that the shooters are shown as two opposites at the beginning of the film. Eric seems to be the more confident and the more dangerous of the two. While Alex seems to be letting himself be carried away by events. Yet at the end of the film Alex kills Eric, which shows his mental instability. This massacre was seen as a game and a contest about who kills more


    10 Questions 12 /15
    1- 1,5
    2- 1,5
    3- 1,5
    4- 1,5
    5- 1,25
    6- 0,75
    7- 1,5
    8- 0
    9- 1,25
    10- 1,25
    Choice & Layout of Pictures: 4/5
    Overall Mark: 16/20


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