
Mind Map

The obvious distinction one notices is between real space and exchange but also virtual space and exchange. Real space is by definition existing. They can be cities, concepts such as the different social classes or the dissociation between north and south. Conversely, virtual space does not strictly speaking exist. They refer to everything that has to do with the internet such as social networks or forums.

Middle class: Middle class is a concept of social class based primarily on standard of living. The usual criteria for defining it are standard of living, i.e. income and wealth. This group is "above" the poor classes and "below" the wealthy classes. The middle class is considered to be itself divided into several categories : the lower middle class and the upper middle class.
Borders: Plusieurs définition sont possible pour caractériser ce phénomène il peut s’agir d'une limite séparant deux zones, deux régions caractérisées par des phénomènes physiques ou humains différents mais il est toujours question de différencier deux choses différentes
Global city: Cities that have a dense population but also a strategic geographical location and with considerable influence in terms of trade, culture and politics. The five major criteria of references are the extent of their : business activity, humans capital, information exchange, cultural experiences and political engagement 
A website: is the set of web pages and resources interlinked by hypertext links, which the Internet user can access through a web address called Url, all registered under the same domain name. A web site or website includes text and multimedia, it is hosted on a web server, which can be accessed through the internet or intranet.
Social networks: refer to websites and mobile applications that allow users to build a network of friends or relationships, and that promote social interaction between individuals, groups of individuals or organizations. They can also be used to relay political, economic, social and other information quickly.

Drug trafficking: or narcotrafficking refers to the illegal trade in psychotropic substances regulated by the various UN conventions. This market experienced an explosion in demand in rich countries in the 1970s, which allowed it to grow. In the 1990s, this market took on a geopolitical dimension as a result of its globalisation.
Global warming: is an ecological phenomenon that appeared at the beginning of the 20th century and is characterized by a rise in the temperature of the atmosphere and ocean surfaces worldwide (The melting of the ice pack). 
Arms trafficking: is the supply of arms and/or ammunition to an entity in violation of international or national regulations on arms sales. According to the UN, arms trafficking is one of the four most lucrative illegal activities, along with drug trafficking, trafficking in medicines and prostitution [ref. necessary]. The international arms trafficking market is estimated at $1,200 billion per year.
Trafficking in human beings: encompasses several forms of exploitation of human beings, the most common being prostitution, slavery and forced labour, but can also include - among others - trafficking in organs, surrogate motherhood. The term trafficking in human beings may be used in the press, but the exact legal term is "trafficking in human beings".
Visioconférence:  Visual and audio conferencing between two individuals at a distance, possible thanks to a telecommunication system.


  1. This looks OK, Angèle. You'll find your mark in a new comment once all blog posts have been published by your classmates. In the meantime, keep up the serious homework.

  2. This comment has been removed by the author.

  3. 1. MIND MAP 1/4
    2. SPACES: 5/8
    3. EXCHANGES: 5/8
    OVERALL MARK: 11/20

    Too little personal input (less than four lines, and some of it clumsily expressed). You could have done better, Angèle..


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