Cartoon spaces and exchanges

First document: 

On the first picture you can see a shop called "ace computers".  There are three computers at the entrance, so we can assume that it is an electronics shop.  A sign is displayed where it says “ Welcome, Eco-tourists! Why travel add to pollution? Stay home and visit exotic travel web sites! This sign offers a whole new way of travelling. A man walks past this shop looking at this sign.  He seems intrigued by this surprising and innovative ad. It's the only tourism allowed today during the global pandemic.

This document can be linked with the events present.  By not traveling they ensure not only the non propagation but also a strong decrease of the pollution.  New technologies take a very important place in our lives today. It would not be excluded that such a technology would be put in place.  The virtual has nothing comparable to the real, which makes reality much less authentic. Such an invention could do good as well as harm.  As announced it could reduce the pollution rate. However, countries that live on tourism would lose huge amounts of money because of this. The United States and New York City in particular, which is suffering terribly from the coronavirus, could see a huge drop in tourist numbers and tourism resources.

Second document:

The second picture shows two offices with computers. Through these, two colleagues are talking.  They both talk to each other through a screen instead of talking to each other in real life. One asks the other if he will go to work and the other answers that he won't go to work and will do it from home.That's how we do our homework today.

This time too recent events and the cartoon are linked.  The only way to communicate securely is to use technology.  A lot of people working as students are forced to use these interfaces.  Tele-working is a first for the world when it is on such a large scale. It can be a great advantage as well as adding disadvantages to others.  People with reduced mobility or expatriates can make full use of this tool. However, one of the major negative points remains the lack of social interaction.  Humans are sociable animals and therefore cannot live without it for too long. This is why, despite the attempts to use this new tool, it remains an intermediate and temporary solution.

We can bring the notion and spaces and exchanges closer together with these two cartoons because they both talk about technology.  One shows the possible good side of it while the other shows the decadence of society. The first one talks about new technologies that would make it possible to travel without actually moving.  This would be a new form of exchange and communication. Today some organizations are constantly looking for solutions to reduce pollution. The irony is that with the recent news it has never been so low.  The second cartoon, on the other hand, shows rather that it hides these advances. Social isolation, a loss of will to care for others and possible repercussions for those who cannot bear such situations. It goes without saying that these two cartoons show the reality as we are living it at the moment


  1. CARTOON 1
    Description 03/03
    Meaning 3,5/04
    Description 03/03
    Meaning 3,5/04
    Link with Notion = Key Issue 06/06

    OVERALL MARK: 19 /20
    Excellent in both form and content. Congratulations!


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