The cartoon I chose represents the President of the United States.  You can see he's making an official speech at the White House.  He explains that his authority is total, which means he has the situation under control.  However we can see that his hands and face are infected with the Coronavirus.  A rather paradoxical situation which shows that in reality he is not in control at all.
The United States has been particularly affected by the Coronavirus crisis.  The lack of social security is aggravating the situation.  Trump announced the containment of the population well after other countries.  The United States is by far the country that has suffered the most losses, yet deconfinement is already underway.

The relationship between the concept and the Coronavirus is the global reach of this crisis.  It has reinvented the way people live, whether it is for exchange with their loved ones or for work.  Technology is now almost the only means of communication.  This means that we no longer have real exchanges as another reality.

The global dimension of this health crisis requires a certain cohesion.  Countries are helping each other as best they can.  Also services that are usually paid for, such as taxis or food delivery, have been made free of charge for some members of the medical profession.  Thus a worldwide mutual aid system has been created.


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