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Brave the lockdown in the name of Art ? A few months ago, the streets of cities from countries all around the world have been deserted by any sign of humanity. The announcement of lockdown was a surprise and, for the most of us, a very bad new but not for all : I followed the trace of a highly convinced street artist in the middle of the quarantaine, and that’s how London became his private playground. To be able to spray paint this storefront in London on Friday, Nathan Bowen,  a 35 year old man, put on a reflective yellow vest : one of the many techniques he uses to avoid getting into trouble with the police, because remember that during quarantine no one is allowed to leave his home. “I just saw that blank board and thought, ‘Yeah! There’s going to be so many opportunities to paint,’” he said. By order of the British government, citizens of London could normally only leave their homes for essentials reasons, but Nathan saw it differently. “In this time, you need people like me


CARTOON IN RELATION WITH CORONAVIRUS  The cartoon I chose represents the President of the United States.  You can see he's making an official speech at the White House.  He explains that his authority is total, which means he has the situation under control.  However we can see that his hands and face are infected with the Coronavirus.  A rather paradoxical situation which shows that in reality he is not in control at all. The United States has been particularly affected by the Coronavirus crisis.  The lack of social security is aggravating the situation.  Trump announced the containment of the population well after other countries.  The United States is by far the country that has suffered the most losses, yet deconfinement is already underway. The relationship between the concept and the Coronavirus is the global reach of this crisis.  It has reinvented the way people live, whether it is for exchange with their loved ones or for work.  Technology is now almost the o


Definitions of the ten most important terms to understand covid-19 pandemic  coronavirus Coronavirus refers to any of various RNA-containing spherical viruses of the family Coronaviridae, including several that cause acute respiratory illnesses. Notable types of  coronavirus are  SARS ,  MERS , and COVID-19. COVID-19 is popularly referred to as  (the) coronavirus or  corona for short. COVID-19 is referred to as the novel coronavirus because it is a new ( novel ) virus (i.e., it hasn’t been detected before).  Novel coronavirus can be abbreviated as  nCoV . When looked at under a microscope, coronaviruses appear to be surrounded by a spiky array thought to look like a  corona , or a crown-like shape, hence the name  coronavirus. epidemic An  epidemic is a temporary prevalence of a disease spreading from person to person in a locality where that disease is not permanently prevalent. incubation period Incubation period means the period between infection and the appe

Cartoon spaces and exchanges

First document:  On the first picture you can see a shop called "ace computers".  There are three computers at the entrance, so we can assume that it is an electronics shop.  A sign is displayed where it says “ Welcome, Eco-tourists! Why travel add to pollution? Stay home and visit exotic travel web sites! This sign offers a whole new way of travelling. A man walks past this shop looking at this sign.  He seems intrigued by this surprising and innovative ad. It's the only tourism allowed today during the global pandemic. This document can be linked with the events present.  By not traveling they ensure not only the non propagation but also a strong decrease of the pollution.  New technologies take a very important place in our lives today. It would not be excluded that such a technology would be put in place.  The virtual has nothing comparable to the real, which makes reality much less authentic. Such an invention could do good as well as harm.  As announced it


Mind Map The obvious distinction one notices is between real space and exchange but also virtual space and exchange. Real space is by definition existing. They can be cities, concepts such as the different social classes or the dissociation between north and south. Conversely, virtual space does not strictly speaking exist. They refer to everything that has to do with the internet such as social networks or forums. Middle class: Middle class is a concept of social class based primarily on standard of living. The usual criteria for defining it are standard of living, i.e. income and wealth. This group is "above" the poor classes and "below" the wealthy classes. The middle class is considered to be itself divided into several categories : the lower middle class and the upper middle class. Borders: Plusieurs définition sont possible pour caractériser ce phénomène il peut s’agir d'une limite séparant deux zones, deux régions caractérisées par des phénomè

Bac blanc

Bac blanc Sujet : It is 2022. You are Bill Ford inaugurating the new building you brought in 2018. Dear friends, we are gathered today in the lobby of this magnificent building to celebrate its inauguration. It is with pleasure that after four years of renovation, embellishment work, upgrading and numerous consultations with you, my dear colleagues who would be the privileged users of this building, I have the immense pleasure and the great honour to present to you today the new Ford building. We had at the heart of our company various locations, some of which were very old and did not facilitate internal communications, nor did they facilitate the group spirit to which I know you are very attached. As of next Monday we will be moving into our eight-storey building. Each office has been equipped with high-speed Internet access and all are air-conditioned and furnished with ergonomic furniture. All the administrative departments will have one or more floors depending on their si

Personal document : song

Paddy's lamentation Sinead O'Connor Sinéad O'Connor was born on 8 December 1966 in County Dublin. In 1983, her family enrolled her in a boarding school where, with the help of a teacher, she composed and recorded her first songs. When her mother died in February 1985, she decided to leave Ireland for London. There she recorded The Lion and The Cobra, which was released in 1987, and I Do Not Want What I Haven't Got in 1990. The success of her first two albums and her distinctive look allowed her to multiply her collaborations with different artists. She is considered an icon, a diva of Irish music. This song is considered as one of the most beautiful anti-militarist music. This song is about the life of a man named Paddy. While his life in Ireland was nothing but misery, he decides to immigrate to America. He sells his animals, his farm and leaves his wife behind. Once there, he is asked to fight in the war for Lincoln in exchange for a pension. In the end

Elephant movie

ELEPHANT MOVIE 1-The scene that particularly stuck me was one of the scenes in the corridor. One of the shooters shoots the person considered a guardian angel. It's frightening to see that human life has absolutely no value to him and that he kills anyone. He feels no remorse or regrets; on the contrary, he even seems proud of himself. 2-What impressed me the most was the layout of the film. The scenes are mixed between past and future. The film gives the impression of having no chronology. The staging of the three points of view for the same scene is also intriguing. We understand at the end that each point of view has its importance and is key to the film. 3- What was most upsetting was the story of the shooters. The fact that harassed people come to such extremes. While the producer doesn't portray it as revenge on their part, it could happen. Several times in the film we see that they have nothing left to lose and are aware of who will die. They have had


The movment’s goal March for our lives is a movement that takes place after the tragedy at Marjory Stoneman Douglas High School in Parkland, Florida on february 14. They plan « To harness the power of young people across the country to fight for sensible gun violence prevention policies that save lives ».  They want to stop the proliferation of more weapons because more than 100 lives are taken by the deadly epidemic of gun violence. Among young people, gun violence has become a top cause of death, second only to drug overdoses. They want to get it out of the Americans' heads that guns are the only way to solve a problem. In order to reach as many people as possible and to amplify the movement, they collect the testimonies of the victims' families. They believe in a safer America and won't stop until the end. They motto “A peace plan for a safer America On the first photo we can see two hands or it is written “ never again ”. On  the second the